Friday, June 29, 2007

Fucking Spice Girls to Reunite

The Spice Girls have recently announced they will be reuniting for a so-called "farewell" tour. Date as yet unknown. The girls, and their record company Virgin Records, seem blissfully unaware that the rest of the world happily said it's goodbyes to the group 6 years ago. With the popularity of female led IndiePop groups like The Pipettes (see picture below), Tilly and the Wall, Camera Obscura and others, a Spice Girls reunion has lost any relevancy it may have once held. They aren't even useful for tossing one off anymore.

So in light of this recent news, I have came to 3 conclusions. Let me know if you agree.

1. Virgin Records, and the rest of the "industry"labels, are completely out of touch with the audience, and have been for the last 40 years.

2. Simon Fuller is the false prophet of the Anti-Christ as foretold in the Bible.

3. The Spice Girls are gobby, fat (except for anorexic Posh), money loving, washed up transvestite looking "wannabes".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.